
>Apple products top PC Mag customer satisfaction survey AGAIN…..

>PC Magazine readers rated 46,434 products and services to share which companies they trust and adore and, in some cases, which to actively avoid.

PC Mag

Apple, once again, topped them all in the following product areas:

• Desktop Service & Reliability Survey 2009: When it comes to the overall satisfaction users have with their computers, Apple once again reigns supreme. The company’s Macintosh PCs—which we can all state unequivocally are actually Windows PCs too, if you want them to be—have consistently proven to be favorites among readers. Apple’s significantly better than average overall score (9.1 out of 10) marks it as a clear Readers’ Choice… In the world of Windows vendors, not much has changed since 2008, when the average overall score was 7.6. Same this year.

• Portable Media Players Service & Reliability Survey: Call them MP3 players or portable media players (a term we use to distinguish them from the still-burgeoning market for set-top box media players), these gizmos have captivated us since the first days of MP3s and Napster. Now, they not only do music but also play movies and games. Well, at least the Apple iPod touch does. That’s probably why Apple is once again the leader in yet another product category of this survey. Cupertino received significantly better than average (SBA) scores not only overall but also for both solid-state and hard-drive based devices, across categories such as sound quality, ease of use, overall reliability, and the likelihood of purchasing another one in the future.

• Laptop & Notebook Service & Reliability Survey: Are you sick of seeing Apple as the PCMag Readers’ Choice vendor for notebooks year after year? Tough. Jobs & Co. are back on top again, with the same significantly better than average (SBA) score of 9.2 out of 10 that the company received had last year… Notebooks less than a year old, just like desktops of that vintage, always get higher marks. This year is no different, and, in fact, brings us to the highest numbers among computers: Apple’s SBA 9.5 overall rating for one-year-old MacBooks. Its youthful laptops received a 9.6 in reliability and likelihood to recommend, too.

• Cell Phones Service & Reliability Survey: Like the dude, our readers’ love affair with the Apple iPhone abides, as it was the only phone brand they rated significantly better than average, making it the clear Readers’ Choice with a SBA 9.0 out of 10. The iPhone didn’t rate spectacularly as a phone [Thanks, AT&T], but it received great scores as a messaging device, music player, video player, and gaming device.

I am not making this stuff up.

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