>iPhone/iPod touch typing tips!
>This was going to be a PM to Thomas Power since he mentioned he is moving to iPhone but probably keeping his Blackberry for email. He didn’t elaborate but I suspect it may be that he finds typing longer emails or Blogs on the keyboard difficult. I figured everyone could benefit from Ty’s Typing Tips…! 1) Don’t try too hard …
Read More>iPhone: – Report: Undisputed Leader in Customer Satisfaction.
>Study finds Apple iPhone ‘undisputed’ leader in smartphone customer satisfaction… Smartphones with consumer-oriented functionality score best in a customer satisfaction study released today from CFI Group. A new generation of smartphone, lead by Apple’s iPhone and including Google’s Android and Palm Pre, is bringing in a new customer audience no longer dominated by business users. The CFI Group Smartphone Satisfaction …
Read More>iPhone – 40% of Global Mobile Web Traffic….
>An increase of 7% in 6 months. August ’09 Report Apple are only in the early days of developing this platform. The mobile computing space is a one-horse race. Apple created it and have won it before anyone else knew it had even started. Cashback!! 🙂
Read More>iPhone: 2 billion downloads, 85,000+ apps now available
>Apple today announced that more than two billion apps have been downloaded from its iTunes App Store, the largest applications store in the world. There are now more than 85,000 apps available to the more than 50 million iPhone and iPod touch customers worldwide and over 125,000 developers in Apple’s iPhone Developer Program. “The rate of App Store downloads continues …
Read More>Apple products top PC Mag customer satisfaction survey AGAIN…..
>PC Magazine readers rated 46,434 products and services to share which companies they trust and adore and, in some cases, which to actively avoid. PC Mag Apple, once again, topped them all in the following product areas: • Desktop Service & Reliability Survey 2009: When it comes to the overall satisfaction users have with their computers, Apple once again reigns …
Read More>Mac OS X 10.6 – Snow Leopard is with us…
>OK, you want to know what Windows will be like in a few years? Look no further than Microsoft’s R&D department – Apple. Apple has taken the current OS Leopard and rewritten huge parts of it, removed loads of legacy code, added new under-the-hood improvements leaving us with the pure, optimized, sleek Snow Leopard. You won’t find many changes to …
Read More>New: Mac OS X 10.6 – Snow Leopard
>OK, you want to know what Windows will be like in a few years? Look no further than Microsoft’s R&D department – Apple. 🙂 Friday 28th August sees the new Mac OS X unleashed. Snow Leopard. Apple has taken the current OS 10.5 Leopard and rewritten huge parts of it, removed loads of legacy code (no PPC code, Intel only), …
Read More>iPhone – The number 1 camera on Flickr
>It’s finally happened. The iPhone was on track for this a year ago and it has finally gained the top spot. This is more evidence that practical real world ease of use is what counts and not silly numbers of megapixels on mobile phones. This goes for all aspects of mobile computing – take note Nokia, Samsung, Sony-Ericsson et al. …
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